Eggers presents a grand, heroic look at the threatening frontier of Alaska that
is ironically both frozen and constantly fraught with forest fires.
Simultaneously, he presents within Josie, a single-mother perpetually on edge
of either a nervous breakdown or looking to succumb to rampant alcoholism, the
heroic, and all-too human, qualities of running away while running towards. All
throughout Heroes Of The Frontier,
Josie, along with her two young children, Paul and Ana, completely, and even
triumphantly, does both.

Like all
great stories, the finale comes sooner than expected. However, the ultimate
ending escapes complete fulfillment as earlier steps in the journey might have
been more resolute in the closing of the circle. Then again, maybe I did not
want this tale to finish. I wanted the fierce mystery of Alaska to unwrap and
unveil as Josie continues her eternal quest for resolution and her well-deserved
happy ending, as do we all; all of us heroes in this unending frontier.
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