Or is it paradise? Kurt’s father, the demon Azazel, attacks
said paradise along with a horde of demon pirates, because what else would
tempt everyone’s favorite fuzzy elf into returning to the land of the living
than an outright swashbuckling adventure, which is exactly what Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness conjure
The story is fun, fast, and completely captures ‘Crawler’s cavalier
attitude. Plus, in a treat designed specifically for us Gen-Xers, Firestar and
Iceman get to team-up, and even flirt. Go for it, Spider-friends.
The trade paperback compilation ends on a wrap-up tale that
completely puts a downer on the otherwise action-adventure lightness of the
other chapters as Nightcrawler’s family reunion – with both his chosen and
biological families – does nothing more than resets the main story back to the
status quo. Sure, Aaron is no doubt setting up future plot lines, but contained
with this collection, the story reverses some of the fun changes put into play
- Kurt sulking in the shadows instead of flying high with a smile.
Hey, this is a fun, enjoyable read and comes recommended.
However, the fanboy in me still has to ask the following: why Cyclops is
wearing a ridiculous-looking uniform and doesn’t appear to be on friendly terms
with other students? And how is it that Wolverine is not dying of metal
poisoning if he no longer has his healing factor? That one-panel Excalibur reunion
was rather worth it. BAMF!
As Always,
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